Floral composition and diversity of the lagos coastal environment, <scp>South?Western</scp> , Nigeria



The present study investigates the floral diversity of Lagos coastal environments by sampling 21 points using quadrat method. revealed two major aquatic ecosystem types (mangrove and freshwater swamp) recorded 125 species belonging to 108 genera 49 families. While Alchornea cordifolia Raphia hookeri were found as most frequent, Acalypha crenata Acrostichum aureum least abundant species. highest lowest species-rich locations Unilag (n = species) Abule Osun 2 species), respectively. vegetation structure LCE is dominated herbaceous Our findings provide insights on flora LCE, a guideline for effective conservation near-threatened such Nauclea diderrichii Mitragyna stipulosa in this presented. La présente étude porte sur la diversité florale des environnements côtiers de en échantillonnant selon méthode du quadrat. Cette révélé deux grands d'écosystèmes aquatiques et marais d'eau douce) permis d'enregistrer espèces appartenant à genres familles. Contrairement qui étaient les plus fréquentes, moins abondantes. Les endroits riches respectivement espèces) espèces). Le couvert végétal est dominé par herbacées. Ces résultats donnent un aperçu flore présentent une ligne directrice pour efficace quasi-menacées telles que dans cet écosystème côtier. zone narrow transition area that connects terrestrial marine environments. Typically, it one productive valued ecosystems characterised highly diverse coral reefs, beaches, dunes, mangroves, wetlands (UNEP, 2006; Nagelkerken, 2009). More than 90% biological non-biological resources world’s biodiversity have been estimated be concentrated around coast (Ahove, 2001; Amosu al., 2012). It has also harbours about 50% world's population (Kremer & Crossland, 2002), which predicted increase 75% 2030 (Amosu This figure, however, expected drastically owing growth, migration, preference environment. Thus, implying 3.5 billion people presently rely ecosystem, its habitat, (Odunuga 2018). For instance, intact buffers shores retains sediments from effects erosive processes, tides, waves, storms (Costanza 1997; Dugan 2011). A large human lives depends food, medicines, shelter, income (Awosika Costanza Polidoro 2010). Therefore, consequences zones, causing rapid environmental change, are trigger further modifications structures compositions zones (Hillebrand African made up narrow, low-lying belts consisting continental shelves coasts 32 mainland countries (Ogbonna 2020). They composed variety ecosystems, including barrier/lagoons, deltas, mountains, wetlands, shelf (Wong 2014). Early ecological studies broadly classified based characteristics associated plant into four (White, 1983): forests (swamp riparian)—for example, Anthocleista Symphonia, grasslands— Brachiaria, Cyperus, Echinochloa Typha, halophyte—for Najas, Juncus Diplachne, mangrove—for Avicennia, Laguncularia, Rhizophora. Nigerian region expanse with diversity. previous demographic 25% total Nigerians occupies 2018), continuous would directly impact (Nigeria Biodiversity Tropical Forestry Assessment, 2008). Nigeria coastline stretch 860 km consists barrier islands, sandy lagoons, estuaries, mud creeks Niger Delta bordered East West Cameroon Republic Benin, evaluation assemblages communities could improve understanding status some other parts Africa, especially, these bordering nations. (Figure 1) comprises Islands ca. 200 Benin/Nigeria border eastward western limit transgressive beach adjacent gulf Guinea backed Badagry creek (Lagos) Lekki Lagoon lagoons generally shallow depths between 1.5–3 m (Nkwoji environment three broad types: Mangrove, Secondary Rain Forest, Freshwater Swamp (Adeonipekun 2019). Lagos, being largest urban centre Nigeria, witnessed tremendous development due socio-economic city (Wang Maduako, consequence growth led conspicuous spatial temporal change land cover (Adeola 2004). conversion previously dense forest water bodies Ikorodu (part Lagos) use caused loss expansion grasslands (grasses, farmland, sparse vegetation). was 59.93% vegetal had lost, grassland increased 4.41 11.77% 1984 2020 (Ubaekwe Engwoh, Previous provided diversities selected (Adekanmbi Ogundipe, 2009; Adeniyi 2016; Adeonipekun 2019; Ajikah Ogunyebi 2018; Oyebanji These identified several dominant coast. Apart mangrove occupied specific species, Rhizophora spp., Cav., Anales Ci. Nat. 4: 104 (1801), Avicennia germinans (L.) L. Conocarpus erectus L., Laguncularia racemosa (L) C.F.Gaertn. Nypa fruticans Wurmb, (e.g., Andropogon spp, Chromolaena odorata R.M.King H.Rob., Cyperus javanicus Houtt., Typha domingensis Pers equivalent wetland habitats. handful past extent anthropogenic impacts state 2017; Adekanmbi Alebiosu, Orijemie Sowunmi, 2014; 2020; above failed detailed floristic inventory areas Lagos. there still more explore distribution along (LCE). To fill gap, conducted across habitats not sampled. With approach, possible gross presence absence data. lack baseline data might underpin failure rate restoration programs wetlands. general objectives (i) document composition range within (ii) investigate richness patterns, (iii) life form determine natural succession degradation (iv) assess encountered (based IUCN 2021v1 criterion)—whether or not, priorities. helpful policymakers formulating active guidelines management LCE. carried out 1), located 3.1 3.4° E 6.5 6.8° N, South-Western Nigeria. typically tropical climate alternating wet (April July, August, September) dry (October March) seasons. average temperature rainfall 27.2°C 1461 mm, respectively (Oloruntola swamp belt, combination developed under brackish conditions estuaries. occupations include trading, farming, fishing. Other activities revolve commercial activities, transportation, sand mining. In terms development, encompasses both rural world. As urbanisation expands last decades, green replaced brown environment, placing pressures We remotely randomly established ArcGIS software, followed ground-truthing reconnaissance survey confirm accessibility sampling, proximities points, assemblage formation. facilitated access paddled canoe. Thereafter, we adjusted coordinates Garmin GPSMAP 64th Global Positioning System (GPS). newly generated coordinate integrated map area—Abule Osun, Agho Shasha, Ajilete, Arigbabu, Ajido, Arapaji, Atan Ota, Ebute Yewa, Ejinrin, Epe, Itokin, Itowolo, Ise, Isheri Mowe, Iwopin, Oko Ito Gbokuta, Okunegun, Ologun, Oto Iwori, Unilag, Yafin jetty 1; Table 1). each point, marked size 50 × 20 plot (0.1 ha), then, demarcated random blocks 5 (Olowokudejo Oyebanji, 2016). ease opportunity encountering all during inventory. security reasons resource constraints, performed one-time survey, however transitional period seasons (ie March May). chance short-dry-spell tolerant wet-season early colonisers occupancy reported Olowokudejo Vegetation assessment through careful visual observations populations at point. on-site identification out, representative collected preserved following standard herbarium procedures (Hildreth 2017). samples taken Herbarium Department Botany, University taxonomic confirmation. Field botanical characters used flowers, fruits, leaves (types arrangements), slash exudates. Plants Hutchinson Dalziel, 1954, 1958, 1963, 1968), (1972), Akobundu Agyakwa (1998), Keay (2011) Ayodele Yang (2012). instances where possible, specimens compared dried (LUH). Also, maintained genus-level situations species-level distinct morphological characters. final scientific names authorities International Plant Name Index (www.ipni.org) while family classification written according Angiosperm Phylogeny Group [The (APG), 2016]. study, none deposited voucher specimen. occurrence compute distribution. (in binary forms – 1 0, respectively) compare studied LCE—(1) if any significant differences different sites, Analysis Variance (ANOVA) probability level 0.05 implemented Origin software (v 2021), (2) evaluate beta among sampled ecosystems/communities, Cody (?-diversity) index pairwise (Bacaro Ricotta, 2007; Ferrier Patel Trivedi, Ricotta Marignani, Whittaker 2007). choice (homogenous heterogenous) sites/communities unlike Shannon Simpson informative when computed composition. Here, measured sites Caramujo Boavida (2010). That is, higher value, dissimilarities pair sites. (3) (dis)similarities composition, cluster analyses—Jaccard Coefficient similarity (JCs) an unweighted pair-group (UPGMA) algorithm 1000 bootstrap values (BS) replicates. analyses PAlaeontological STatistics (PAST v 2.17c, Hammer 2001). structure/canopy cover—which govern function resilience, stage, (Yao 2022) adopted typical (Agbagwa Chimezie, 2011; Mueller-Dombois, 1972; Nsa 2021). Then, grouped their stem habit Ebigwai Akomaye (2014)—(i) woody-stem (trees shrubs) weak-stem (climber/creeper, herbs, grass, fern). Not Evaluated (NE), Data Deficient (DD), Least Concern (LC), Near Threatened (NT), Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN), Critically (CR), Extinct Wild (EW), (EX) Union Conservation Nature (IUCN) Red List Species (IUCN, main (4.8%) (most dominant; 95.2%) families 2a–c; Appendix S1). Of families, Asteraceae (11 Euphorbiaceae (10 multiple represented genus Ficus number Ipomoea (4 (3 Phyllanthus Senna, Lonchocarpus, Musa, Ludwigia, Lygodium, Solanum, Corchorus remainder 82 only each. Six life-form categories but mostly herbaceous: herbs 36 trees (29 shrubs (24 climbers (17 sedges/grass ferns (9 3). largely weak plants. However, Dryopteris clintoniana (D.C. Eaton) Dowell, Centrosema pubescens Benth., Lasimorpha senegalensis Schott. common G.Mann H.Wendl., (Schumach). Müll.Arg., vogelii Planch. woody (Appendix examined remaining mosaic freshwater, degraded forest, patches Comparatively, (125 families) Arapaji (123 Ise (119 47 often Commelina, Costus, Ipomoea, (Rhizophora Acrostichum) showed independent overlapping locations, no restricted location heterogeneity 4; S3). ANOVA difference points. pair-wise ?-diversity differs paired plots global (Cody 403) varies (low high) pairs ranging 0.00 62. high (?59) vs Arapagi Osun. On hand, low (1–4) Ajido Ise. pattern presented S3. JCs ranged (0.08) strong (0.98) supported groups (BS 100%): group Yaffin Jetty locations) 18 (Oto Iwori Shasha) 5). our clustering strongly subgroup (JCs 0.98; BS 91%) + 100%). Although widely distributed area, minute variations observed 2b; Tables S1 S2). record seven sample locations—Itowolo (climber fern), Arigbabu (grass), Shasha (grass climber), Ata Ota shrub), (climber, herb, (herb). Multiple formed tree layer (? 10 high), vogelii, Alstonia boonei De Wild., Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg, Cocos nucifera Elaeis guineensis Jacq., Gmelina arborea Roxb. ex Sm., Hura crepitans Musanga cecropioides R.Br. Tedlie, Spondianthus preussii Engl., Terminalia catappa DC., R. reaching high. shrubby cordifolia, muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell, Psychotria nervosa Sw., Solanum erianthum D.Don, Urena lobata According red list assessment, [Mangifera indica Wall.], (Nauclea Merr. Kuntze), 57 65 (LC) presents checklist adds existing knowledge provides useful information towards threatened Congruent studies, (Adekunle, Obiefuna 2013; Okorie, 2012; Onyekwelu 2008; lower Southern (Durugbo 2012, 472 species; 2016, 147 species). documented similar (Adeniyi al. (2016), (2018), 67 (2019), 107 (2020), therefore indicate one-season approach since Nevertheless, speculate seasonal included unsampled explain dynamics area. Moreover, attributed repeatedly LGE persistent conditions, changes regular flooding, industrialisation, unsustainable agricultural practices cutting firewood, local craft fishing gears, Ubaekwe may predetermined extant markedly records Epe n 52 Lack limits deeper comparisons. Hence, crucial recommend long-term Overall, results underscore benefits deep line (Kumar Chelak, 2015; Elo 2020), core A. Costus afer Ker Gawl., senegalensis, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Ludwigia spp. Pistia stratiotes latifolia G.Mey., racemosa. agrees (Ajikah Nodza 2021; Oni Ndiribe, surprising seed-bearing plants, excellent colonisers, wind-pollinated, flood-tolerant, adapt wide (Torres Galetto, attribute dominance intrinsic drivers reproduction rates, efficient dispersal capacity, adaptation ability regenerate especially flood plains river valleys (Mphoweh heterogeneous 4). linked habitats—mangrove, secondary forest. implies hotspot relatively result deliberate entire institution management. contrast, Abule-Osun because represents monotypic ecosystem. extremely harsh habitat (Asadi Lee develop stilt roots pneumatophores absorb oxygen survive anaerobic, salty, muddy soil (Krauss 2003; bioindicator (A. racemosa) eight true (Asuk Ogar Omogoriola disparities traits required instead size. note, we, therefore, conscious mono-specific Indeed, type inseparably related plants current study. forest; thus, inherently difficult detect uncommon locations. indices shreds evidence clusters same clade close relationships suggests resulted examine factors nevertheless, they inextricably sufficiency seed water, proximity elevation range, uniform suitable establishment. addition, inferred occupying necessarily (Carvalho Villéger Wu uneven partly prevailing regimes, microclimate, those areas. authors future should role shaping community human-induced stressors canopy Similar (57.6%) Sanyaolu, 2015). category unfavourable proliferation, storage organs, mechanisms 2016), exploitation humans economic uses, raffia palms fact, economically important altilis, C. nucifera, E. guineensis, G. arborea, Mangifera Wall., Musa hookeri, T. atappa. few locations—Agho Gbokuta rich Given shift morphology 2; Generally, undergoing urbanisation, fishing, pollution, logging practices. agreement (2014), interference indicators continuously annihilate Such are, detrimental absolutely abolished, suggest enrichment planting indigenous-woody monitoring scheme mitigate revive maintain complex web posterity. believed rainfall, humid condition, (moisture content, nutrient acidity), support establishment reintroduced (Ali Future focusing modeling spatiotemporal characterisation time yield (1) regions potential role(s) (non)bioclimatic variables (57 listed LC, whereas majority (65 evaluated statuses. Nonetheless, species—N. M. spread except jetty. Interestingly, protected internationally Convention Trade Fauna Flora (CITES) (See Schedules National Wildlife Protection Act: First Schedule—https://cites.org/sites/default/files/common/prog/niaps/Nigeria%20E-SC70-27-04-A25.pdf). prompt attention required. experiencing reduction globally, influenced limited intense (Adekunle proposed monitoring, ascertain others List. beneficial ensuring sustenance survival Additionally, enlightenment campaigns sensitise effect utilisation grateful Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TEFUND) providing funds research. thank Research Council (URC), Witwatersrand offering lead author postdoctoral opportunity, Evolutionary Studies Institute (ESI) WITS platform work out. school Governance, sponsors Life City project Durand Foundation conflicts interest declare. All co-authors seen agree contents manuscript, financial report. certify submission original review publication. supports available supplementary material article S1–S3 Please note: publisher responsible content functionality supporting supplied authors. Any queries (other missing content) directed corresponding article.

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عنوان ژورنال: African Journal of Ecology

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['1365-2028', '0141-6707']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/aje.13080